How Are Teeth Prepped For Porcelain Veneers?
Porcelain veneers are a great cosmetic dental solution for people who have multiple dental issues that need to be corrected, including misshapen teeth, discolored teeth, gaps, or an uneven appearance. These thin veneers fit over the natural teeth and can produce a seamless smile for many years. Our team at Saratoga Springs Family Dentistry is proud to offer minimally invasive porcelain veneers for our patients in Saratoga Springs, NY. We can prepare your teeth for porcelain veneers by using a simple process that requires a small bit of enamel trimming, allowing the cover to fit over your tooth without discomfort or a bulging effect.
An impression of your tooth
We first start with a complete impression of your tooth to review how it looks. The impression will create a three-dimensional layout of the tooth’s shape, size, and curvature. We will use these details to ensure we produce a veneer that can fit over your tooth. Our dentists at Saratoga Springs Family Dentistry can also use these details to prepare a temporary cover that can go over your tooth.
Trimming the tooth
We’ll then prepare the teeth for porcelain veneers, which involves trimming a small amount of enamel from the front part of the tooth. We will remove about 0.3 to 0.5 mm of enamel from the front to allow space for the veneer. A local anesthetic may be necessary to numb the area, although not all patients will require it.
The amount we will trim will be safe to handle, as your teeth already include a few millimeters of enamel that can be easily removed. Our process will not harm the dentin, dental pulp, or anything else deep inside the tooth, thus protecting them from possible harm.
The veneer is then applied
We will apply the completed porcelain veneers to your tooth in a few weeks after your teeth recover from the trimming process. Our Saratoga Springs dentists also require time to prepare the sturdy porcelain material that makes up the veneer.
We will remove the temporary veneer and use special liquids to clean off the tooth, ensuring your tooth will have a detailed and secure bond. A bonding cement material will go over your tooth and keep your new veneer in place as we apply the shell. A curing light will contact the area to harden the cement, ensuring everything remains stable.
How long do porcelain veneers last?
You can expect your dental veneers to last for about 10 – 15 years on average. Be sure you brush and floss as usual and avoid excess stress on your veneers to ensure they remain stable. You can also visit our office for regular cleanings every six months to improve how well your veneers work while protecting them from possible harm.
Contact our dentists in Saratoga Springs, NY to learn more about porcelain veneers
Porcelain veneers are outstanding tools that can produce a beautiful smile patients love. Visit us at Saratoga Springs Family Dentistry to learn more about how our dentists can serve your needs and create custom-fit veneers that work for your smile. Visit our website to schedule a visit in Saratoga Springs, NY and learn more about how our team can help.